Arranging appointments

If you are interested in scheduling a free, no-obligation preliminary consultation in my offices, my practice assistants Mrs Petra Albisser, Mrs Linda Christen or Mrs Martha Gabriel, will gladly make an appointment for you. Our telephone (+41 (32) 636 25 25) is answered between 8am and 12pm and 1:30pm to 5:30 pm. On Thursdays and Saturday afternoons, the office is closed. You may also schedule appointments via email ( or fax (+41 (32) 636 50 66). Once a preliminary consultation is set, you will receive a written confirmation of the appointment with the appropriate papers in the mail.
E-mail contact

On principle, the free, no-obligation preliminary consultation in my offices is the rule. However, if you wish (e.g. because you’re coming from far away), an appointment for the operation can be made directly. In such cases, the following procedure has proven to work well first study the information on our website. As a second step you can email ( or write me personally, with the most important information regarding “your case” (problem areas, age, size, weight, physical activities, eating habits, prior operations, pregnancies, drugs, allergies, and include good photographs taken against a neutral background with front, side and rear views). In a personal telephone conversation I can then discuss additional details with you and answer any outstanding questions. Subsequently, I can also then provide you with the agreement form with precise cost details.