The results

You must wait for a sufficiently long recovery period of at least 6 months in order to attain the final results. During this time, the healing process in the tissue is still going on. . Following more extensive procedures, in older individuals or in patients with rather flaccid connective tissue, this process sometimes may take up to a year. This is especially true for the regeneration of the skin, for example, after liposuction of larger deposits in the abdominal region.
However, this long time period should not worry you: in most cases, you will already observe a difference on the first day following a water jet assisted liposuction. However, it may take several weeks to months before the last swellings of the wounds have completely disappeared from every last corner.
Physical activity

Physical inactivity, obvious overweight, increased age, generally flaccid tissue, distinct cellulite, larger prior operations in the treated areas, and a strong tendency to form keloids (excessive scarring tendency) are all factors that must be taken into account when considering the final result.
A sensible diet, adequate physical activity, care of the skin and local massage – along with the liposuction operation itself - are additional key measures for an optimal final result. We advise you of this during the preliminary consultation or at the follow-up examination, which usually takes place around 6 months after the operation.